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Chris Panayiotou combines a wealth of experience in design and construction with an astute and humorous approach to managing projects and people.
Graduating from NSW University with a Grade 1 Honours, Bachelor of Building degree in 1981 he began his successful career in the building and construction industry.
As a construction manager and engineer for Leighton Contractors he spent ten years supervising the profitable completion of many projects in Sydney, Queensland and rural New South Wales. Projects in Sydney included 321 Kent Street, 309 Kent Street, 2 Barrack Street, Harold Park Raceway and various clubs.
In the early 1990's Chris moved into the commercial interiors field when he became a partner in Practec Interiors. At Practec he was responsible for many successful design and construction projects in commercial interiors, overseeing up to forty-eight carpenters and tradesmen over the eight years he was involved with the company. During this time they created many practical and stylish office spaces in Sydney's CBD and the rest of NSW.